
The cynical rantings of mediocrity have now been compiled for your convenience into one, easily avoidable iDumpster.

Location: Wilmington, North Carolina, United States

I am an English major at UNCW. You know what I want to do with my life? I want to write. Hey, look! I'm doing what I want with my life!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Giggling behind the dumpster with Jesus

'Cause it's funny.

I was strangled. That, I believe, is what caused a lot of what happened the other night. (see previous blog) I remember being terrified of dying during the night and I am now constantly afraid of my own mortality. Somebody strangled me to try to make me pass out so that I would stop yelling at him in French, then I broke in to his neighbor's apartment and got shit-kicked. And, it will cost about $3,500 by the end of it all. Hoo-rah!

I am also pretty terrified of the fact that North Korea has, in all likelyhood, a nuke pointed at the United States. Not that I don't think the US needs a spanking, but a lot of people will die from that. Possibly me and everyone I love. Possibly Christopher Walken. And if they do launch a missile, I fear the impending war that will follow. I don't think North Korea will have to stand alone against the US, but I fear that the US will end up fighing North Korea on it's own. Oh... it's a good time to start therapy.

On a lighter note, I've lost almost twenty pounds since April and am, for the first time in three years, under 200 pounds. Get it, lighter note? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Watch out for the kwoozyface.


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