Would there be night if people never had to sleep?
That's me on the fountain. That's my Erica with the camera, and that's my mother-in-law's husband in the background. And I think that's a german flag above his head. We walked around airlie gardens a few days ago, and it was lovely. That;s where this picture was taken. I also hugged a tree and took a moment to worship aunt Jemima and Frangelico. It really is a nice place.
I just realized that I am posting without actually having anything to say, so I think I'll just bullshit a little while I try to come up with something meaningful.
I woke up this morning and Shamus and I had somehow switched bunks during the night. This was kindof weird, so I got up and yelled at him for stealing my bunk. I figured that is what happened because I have one of the only bunks with a port hole. We argued for a while, which woke up a lot of the crew. I explained that Shamus took my bunk, and had been slacking on his swabbing duties, so we keelhauled him before the captain woke up and could notice he was missing. As I watched him flail around in the ocean, I remembered that we had actually agreed to switch because he falls out of bed a lot and my bunk is closer to the floor. Oops!
Still nothing... Rock climbing or something. I climbed a rock wall, it was a lot easier that I expected, but it was srill a lot of fun. I guess I will just let this post go now, and maybe I'll have something decent to bring you later.
Who's got the money?