
The cynical rantings of mediocrity have now been compiled for your convenience into one, easily avoidable iDumpster.

Location: Wilmington, North Carolina, United States

I am an English major at UNCW. You know what I want to do with my life? I want to write. Hey, look! I'm doing what I want with my life!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Would there be night if people never had to sleep?

Originally uploaded by ashzpaapt.
We certainly wouldn't need it.

That's me on the fountain. That's my Erica with the camera, and that's my mother-in-law's husband in the background. And I think that's a german flag above his head. We walked around airlie gardens a few days ago, and it was lovely. That;s where this picture was taken. I also hugged a tree and took a moment to worship aunt Jemima and Frangelico. It really is a nice place.

I just realized that I am posting without actually having anything to say, so I think I'll just bullshit a little while I try to come up with something meaningful.

I woke up this morning and Shamus and I had somehow switched bunks during the night. This was kindof weird, so I got up and yelled at him for stealing my bunk. I figured that is what happened because I have one of the only bunks with a port hole. We argued for a while, which woke up a lot of the crew. I explained that Shamus took my bunk, and had been slacking on his swabbing duties, so we keelhauled him before the captain woke up and could notice he was missing. As I watched him flail around in the ocean, I remembered that we had actually agreed to switch because he falls out of bed a lot and my bunk is closer to the floor. Oops!

Still nothing... Rock climbing or something. I climbed a rock wall, it was a lot easier that I expected, but it was srill a lot of fun. I guess I will just let this post go now, and maybe I'll have something decent to bring you later.

Who's got the money?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

A photographer's mentality

Seeing the world in isoltated moments, and trying to keep a copy of each one.

My goal was to fast for seven days, but I only made it two. Apparently, the body needs nutrients and stuff to be able to move furniature for eight hours every day. So I kept getting dizzy and light-headed. After work, I ate a 16 oz. steak and a baked potato, and felt really bad about myself. The African kids don't get to stop eating and go out and get a big whiskey glazed steak. But they also don't get to choose to not eat. Not that i was fasting for African kids, I just felt bad about all my privilage. I don't deserve it.

There is a funny thing between cigarettes and me. I started smoking on and off when I was about fifteen, and i've gone years without it before, but I am always drawn to them. I think maybe I am in love with cigarettes and cigars. I don't like smoking them, I don't like the fact that I can not breathe properly when I've had a lot lately, but I can't let go. I'm not addicted, I've never had a nicotene jones or anything, I just like smoking. I'm trying to just do one a day. We'll see how that works.

I got to host two more couch surfers last friday, and it was very interesting. They were from Detroit or somewhere around there, and they were (are) traveling the carolinas and georgia. Oh, and they're women. Erica was a bit bothered by this at first, but she was cool with it eventually. The couchsurfers and I went to chili's and then downtown to souyia for some dancin. Well, they danced. The whole night was an interesting experience for me, and I realized a few things about myself that I won't get into here. I feel a personal essay coming on.

Why do we capitalize I and not me? or us?

I was supposed to have off work tody, but they just called me in. Balls, people, big sweaty balls. I had things I wanted to do, but my employers had to suck. At least it's money.

Tattoos. 'nuff said.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Blind people still know you're ugly

I should be sleeping, but that is not working right now. I have work at 10 tomorrow, I am delivering furniature on my own. That may not sound fun, but it means I get to pick the radio station in the van, I can run the AC as high as i want, and I will get tipped. Most people feel obligated to do so when you move their new furniature into their home solo. But I need some sleep to be able to do that.

I baked my first batch of chocolate chip cookies today, and there was too much flour. they still tasted good. like a cookie shood. in the hould.

physics escapes me. so do bald people.

I was thinking about adding some color to my hair, maybe some green or orange. I would ask what anybody thinks about this, but I don't know if anybody reads this blog anymore.

I just don't know, carl, I just don't know.
o kidy fpm'y lmpe, vst;, o kidy fpm'y lmpe

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I already spent your allowance, kids

My father-in-law is getting married this weekend, and I don't know what to wear.

My best friend came home, and we did a lot of fun things.

I love my life right now.

Slice of life could not be any better. Noteworthy sweet tea.

I forsake all other nachos before Moe's.

Everyone needs something, but I can't say what it is.

My parents are ignoring me, but I don't really have anything to say anyway.

Brevity is best.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I wanna rock right now, my name is AJ and I cam to get down

Ladies and Gentleman, kids of all ages, I am friggin extatic to announce that my first "publication" is out. Those familiar with the heavenly McSweeneys.net already know how awesome it would be to have something publishe there. I know too, first hand suckas! Read my letter here! Tell me what you think, honestly. I am pretty damn excited about this, half of me just exploded. Thanx!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Waitin' It Out

Originally uploaded by ashzpaapt.
You can't hold it aginst them...

I own too much stuff. Back in the day, I could fit everything I owned into a Geo Tracker, including my bed and a desktop computer. Now, I can hardly fit it into an 1100 square foot appatrtment. Owning stuff is no good, and it gets in my way. I've met people who carry everythin they own on a bicycle. A Bicycle! I need to start downsizing...

The wife and I went to church this morning for the first time in a long time. I guess we are going to try and find a new home church, but that will be difficult, as there are more churches than christians in Wilmington, it seems. We went to Winter Park baptist. It was decent, at most. They were very ornate, a TV church, and the clergy seemed to be trying to be overly dramatic to attempt to evoke a feeling in the congregation. That failed, there was no feeling at all. The Sermon made some good points, but there was too much fluff and not enough explaination. But it felt good to be in such a genial place again. There is something about being in a large group who is worshiping that you just can't get from being in a large group elsewhere. Except at rock shows.

I have poison Ivy, which is odd, because I'm not allergic. It is contained to one little patch on my arm, smaller than a quarter. If anyone wants it, send a SASE to me at home.

jacob- I'm sorry I forgot to call you when we got out of the drivethrough yesterday, my cheesesteak burger was too delicious and it took control of my mind for A while.

Sundays are lazy, but it could be worse. At least they're not malicious or insecure.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

As long as the inside of the coffee mug is clean...

Good golly miss molly, The wind's pickin' up and my roger is jolly!

So, I did not continue my depressing birthday post, because depression is lame. Sorry to dissapoint. If you need some depression, I'll give you some, but there is optimism coming in a few lines. Depressing things: My parents don't know where I live, I've gained 20 lbs., I shaved my beard off, I own no sandals, and the trees are seeking revenge. Hope that sitifies you. The rest of the post will be at least marginally cheery, so you may not want to read any further, freak.

I am trying to stop driving, and thus have been riding my bicycle a lot more. Her name is Ptahmi (pronounced Tommy). It is fun and good exercise, but people in cars seem to dislike cyclists on their roads. Over the past couple of weeks I've been yelled at, flipped off, honked at, edged off the road, and slowly tailed more times that god should allow. "Get a fuckin' car asshole!" I mean, seriously, what is that person thinking? Maybe they though I did not know about automobiles, or thought I was not worth of purchasing one, and they were trying to help me, but they are an asshole, so they have to be mean about it.

An attractive 19 year old gave me her phone number today without my solicitation, then my co-worker told her I was married, and she looked all embarassed and upset. It was a good ego boost, but I felt bad for the girl.

Things causing optimism: bicycling (it's awesome), love, cool air on a hot day, Downtown Wilmington, job promotion, orange soda, deodorant that really works, my beautiful eyes, reading somehthing that you don't have to try to read, catching up with an old friend, Sleeping until 11, grown people giggling at the word "masterbatory," new pedals for ptahmi, taco bell, the first caffine jones of the summer, not smoking for days on end then having a cigarette, limes...

I wrote a poem I was proud of, then it turned out that it sucked. I still like it though. I might put it up on myspace, by I am not sure. Also, I am thinking about starting a myspace for people who love their shovels. I'll call it "MySpade."

I am pretty dang gorgeous, I think. Even if I'm not, or I don't really think so.

Got any nines?