
The cynical rantings of mediocrity have now been compiled for your convenience into one, easily avoidable iDumpster.

Location: Wilmington, North Carolina, United States

I am an English major at UNCW. You know what I want to do with my life? I want to write. Hey, look! I'm doing what I want with my life!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Glowing Tortellini

I went to see Ultraviolet last night. I did not know that it was another damn comic book movie until I got in the theater. I usually hate comic book movies, but I really really hated this one. It was just so terribly wirtten and made, I can't believe they actually put it on a screen. Mila Jovovich is moderately hot, but she looks too much like a 13 year old. The movie was one big fight scene, and nothing in it made any sence or was explained to the audience. It wasted much more than the time it took to watch it, as I am wasting time now writing about it. Just do not see it. It's not even worth seeing for free.

I have a friend who is pregnant, I guess she's about at six months right now. And I'll tell ya, pregnant women are beautiful. They've got that big, round pooch belly and they really do glow. It is just such a neat thing, to be pregnant. The be carrying around a life with you. I just had to keep rubbing her pregnant little belly.

After we left the theater, or as we were leaving, rather, we found a big pallate of bricks. I am a pirate, so I had to take a few as my booty from the theater. Bricks have to be the hardest thing to steal off the ground. You can't run with 'em. If a cop showed up, I'd be screwed. "Hey kid, what are you doing with those bricks?" "Uh...they're mine. I bought them." Wont work. And stolen bricks are the heaviest of all bricks. But i can imagine now that what they are building whatever it is they are building, they will be just about finished, then say, "hey, we're missin 13 bricks here!"

I used my bounty to build on to the intallation piece in my office. I say intallation piece, but really I just like putting random things together.

Has anyone lost some weight, 'cause I think I found it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I crave more witty dumpster papers. Write more.

9:11 AM  

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