
The cynical rantings of mediocrity have now been compiled for your convenience into one, easily avoidable iDumpster.

Location: Wilmington, North Carolina, United States

I am an English major at UNCW. You know what I want to do with my life? I want to write. Hey, look! I'm doing what I want with my life!

Friday, October 07, 2005


It has refused to stop raining for the past three days. I'm not sure what I refer to when I say it, but it is really rainy. The fact that I have a cast on my hand which I am not supposed to get wet only serves to complicate things. Rain, Baby.

I just posted something for sale on Ebay in an attemp to make an easy $1,700. It is a disposable camera on which I already took all of the pictures. I'm not sure why anybody would buy such a thing, but if they can get $1,700 for an empty cooler, I should be able to for the disposable mystery camera.

Today boys and girls, we are going to talk about racism. I had a conversation yesterday with one of my co-workers about her child's experiences on the school bus. She told me that he got off the bus crying because some older kid said that he didn't like him because he had blonde hair. The mother's first question to her son was this: What color was his skin?

First, where did the kid on the bus learn to hate because of hair color? Who are his parents and what has hair color got to do with anything anyway? It is ridiculus that this child's parents are teaching him things like this. Race prejudices are not something a kid is born with. Instead of recognizing the fault in how this other child is being raised, my co-worker does the exact same thing to her own child. By asking her son what color the child's skin is she is teaching him to look for that first and assume that all people with that color skin will act in a similar manner. She just passes on the racism to him and now there are two more children in the world who will grow up hating a whole other group of people for basically no reason at all. Also, referring to the mother's question, the correct phrasing is What color is his skin? Saying was implies that the offending child is no more. I am going to have a talk with her.

My rant has ended and things are off my chest. Today I leave you with this thought. If a traditonal African tribal mask is created in America by an English person, is it still a traditional African tribal mask?


Blogger Jacob said...

I like your blog. Good stuff, good stuff. The roads here were filled with water. It was good. Earlier today I was driving and it smelled really bad and I thought it was outside and when I said, "What is that smell!?" Vickery started laughing. Ewwwww.

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Erica said...

Thank heavens the world has you, God's gift to grammar.

8:32 AM  

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